Media in Megagames
Media teams can be one of the most important cogs in a Megagame’s story but are often the last tickets sold. Here are a few reasons you should play on the media team in your next Megagame (if its available).
Beginners Guide: Winning a Megagame
Whether one of your friends has been pushing you to play a Megagame or you stumbled into the hobby off a lucky Google Search, one question eventually floats into your brain is ‘Yeah, but how do you win?’
Beginners Guide: Deciding What to Do
You just bought a ticket to your first Megagame and managed to meet up with your team. The first thing the group needs to decide? What role everyone going to play.
Beginner’s Guide: Working With Control
Whether you want to know how to do something or want to do something that might be outside the rules, the game runners or ‘Control Team’ are your best friend during a Megagame. Here’s how you can make the most out of your interactions with Control.
Beginner’s Guide: Your First Megagame Turn
Just like the start of any board game, you can feel a bit lost at the start of a Megagame. There’s so much to do but you’re not exactly sure how to do it yet. There are a few things you can do to make the first phase of the game a little more digestable.
Beginner’s Guide: Arriving at Your First Megagame
Your first Megagame can be an intimidating experience. Here are a few things you can do when you arrive at the venue to start your first day of Megagaming off on the right foot.
Investing Your Time in a Megagame
I always try to invite my friends to try out my hobbies; whether that be board games, disc golf or, yes, Megagames. I love sharing the things I enjoy with the people I enjoy. Everything is more fun when you’re surrounded by your friends. Why is it so difficult to get people to try a Megagame?
Preparing for Your First Megagame
Your first in-person Megagame is an exciting thing. You’ve been messaging back and forth with your team for a couple weeks, so you know your role (you might be assigned a role in some cases, it just depends on the game) Now, there are so many unknowns and there’s so much anticipation of what will happen on game day. How do we get ready?
Mega Memories: Why We Play Megagames
Megagames require a hefty investment in time and that investment is paid off with Mega Memories. The unique intersection of huge groups of people, divided into teams, further divided into separate roles and crossing paths in weird and unusual ways creates memories that, for me, are unmatched by other forms of gaming.
Why Megagames?
What exactly is a Megagame?
This question is far more difficult to answer than it should be, but here it goes.
A Megagame is part role-playing game, part board game, part social deduction game where 30+ people are separated into teams working towards specific goals.