Megagame: Den of Wolves 07/23/22
What follows is the Admiral's perspective of the running of Den of Wolves in Austin, TX on 7/23/22.
Admirals log: Turn 1
We are a fleet in shambles. The Wolves have struck a mighty blow to the allied systems and, as far as I can tell, we are all that is left of humanity. Early dealings with the President have been difficult (the player was running late and missed part of the first turn), so all eyes of the fleet had looked to the Aegis for guidance. I have dispatched my crew to take stock of and verify our fighting might as a fleet. Intelligence shows that Wolves may be hiding among the survivor fleet, you can never be too careful.
I have given direction to the captains to work through proper channels to establish their food, water and fuel needs. I will keep an eye on their dealings to ensure our people are safe.
Admirals log: Turn 2
The Wolves have launched their first attack on the fleet, injuring my Flight Wing Commander. He wound up on sick bay thanks to his heroics but he was vital in repelling the initial attack.
I begin to check the fleet's fuel stores, the Captain of the Refinery ship has been incredibly helpful.
I've received word from the Vice President that elections will happen soon and that the President has floated an idea to centralized all resources on the Aegis. While we have the ability to defend our resources if this were to happen, I had shared my concerns that our ship could become a single point of failure. The Vice President told me he would take this back to the President.
Admiral's log: Turn 3
The Wolves have launched another attack on our position, it's time for us to jump but fuel is still being distributed. The confusion has me concerned. I was told that the Endeavor was fine on fuel but there's panic when I begin calling for a jump. I personally fly the shuttle loaded with fuel in order to get them sorted.
I get word from my XO and Flight Wing Commander that our fighters took some heavy damage during the attack but the good folks on the Quellon assist in getting them repaired. Oddly, the crew from the Icebreaker has proven to be aggressive in their dealings with the other ships. I make it a point to speak with their captain.
Elections, I hate elections. We're trying to survive and this is where priorities are? Fine. The crew of the Aegis is given a vote in the election. After the debates, my crew discusses the platforms of the three candidates. We come to the consensus that the military shouldn't show favoritism in the vote. We don't want to sour the relationship with a new President before they even get in office.
The councilman from the Lucas ends up winning in a close race. We set about building a relationship with the new leader of humanity.
Admiral's log: Turn 4
Faster than Light Drives: engage. The whole fleet jumps away and throw the Wolves off our trail, at least for a bit. I'm pleased with the fleet's responsiveness as we jump to the new location.
Sabotage! The Captain of the Quellon was injured on one of the Aegis' shuttles during a supply run to the Shepard. I immediately assign the investigation to my XO.
The tensions with the Icebreaker continue to rise as I hear word that the Shepard won't give them food. I investigate and come up empty handed as the Shepard says they're at max capacity. I must take the Captain at their word but vow to bring the Icebreaker and Shepard together next turn to figure this out.
The former President begins to float around the fleet talking about visions from 'The Universe' and how he was founding some kind of religion. I don't have time for this and I'm still suspicious of his 'make the Aegis responsible for any issues' idea earlier. Sorry old boss, I'm going to ignore just about anything you say now.
Admiral's log: Turns 5
The bomb on the shuttle that injured the Quellon Captain came from someone on the Aegis? My XO shares the details of his investigation. I begin to use my contacts on other ships to confirm the investigation. The Quellon's investigation points to the Logistics Officer, which makes sense he was the master of the shuttles, but we then learn the evidence had been planted to frame my LO. That leaves only my Flight Wing Commander. I launch my own investigation to confirm the details and make sure I have received the correct information.
Meanwhile, I prepare the fleet for another jump. We have to have fuel. I also bring the captains of the Icebreaker and Shepard together to talk through the issues. We get past then but the Aegis is going to be supplementing the Icebreaker's food stores.
I get word the new President has evidence on the former President. My brig is about to fill up.
Admiral's log: Turn 6-8
I'm not sure who will write me up for missed reports but a lot has happened since I last recorded.
My XO arrested the former President, I arrested my FWCO. They both went through trials and were found guilty. The betrayal of my FWCO hurts. His bravery in the early fights and the loyalty he showed the colonies…it's hard but the safety of the fleet is what matters.
Before the former President was executed a bomb went off and he disappeared off the Aegis. He went to the new President, so I guess things are fine now? I have other problems.
My ship is heavily damaged and raw materials are low. There's another Wolf attack and I lead efforts to get all the jump drives repaired in order to jump again.
There are riots on other ships, a black market has sprung up, the council is getting power hungry. Things are spiraling out of control.
At some point, the Council demands to know the jump destinations and they want to approve jumps before they occur. I storm into the Council chambers and inform them of just how terrible this idea is. Sharing the coordinates would just allow any Wolves hiding among us to know exactly where we're going. The Council looked at me dumbfounded. I let them know the distances of the jumps and they seem fine with just giving their opinions on that. Politicians…I swear…
The Endeavor has developed a Wolf detector, which is great, but decide that I am their first target. I'm obviously not a Wolf, the captain of the Endeavor seems a little disappointed at this discovery.
We plan to jump next turn. We have to get away.
Admiral's log: Turn 9
We are alive…if only just.
The Wolves sent the majority of their fleet at us in a final ditch effort to stop us. They knew where we were jumping. My XO led the defense and together with our battered fleet destroyed the attack.
Unfortunately, there are still Wolves among us but the noose is slowly tightening. The Endeavor tests the captain of the Icebreaker (not a Wolf), the forget President (surprisingly, not a Wolf), the Icebreaker's council member (not a Wolf) and the captain of the Refinery (inconclusive).
It's going to be a hard run. We've crippled the Wolves but traitors still hide in our midst. Hopefully, we'll root them out before we establish a new colony.
I have hope for a better tomorrow.