Megagame: Den of Wolves 8/20/22

What follows is the Captain of the Quellon's perspective of the running of Den of Wolves in Dallas, TX on 8/20/22.

Captain's Log: Pregame

Hi, if anyone is out there … I hope this reaches you. I'm Captain Greg of the Proxima ship Quellon. I've reached a rendezvous point sent to us by some FAS scum on a ship called the Dione.

There's a lot of panic here. Something bad has happened and people are saying we're all that's left. Luckily for us, the Quellon is equipped to help. We can make water and food, I can only hope it's enough. I'm going to try to help the fleet as much as I can. We've got a good crew though. My First Officer and I attended the academy together, our Chief Engineer is one of the best on Proxima. I've also gotten word that we have an elected official onboard? He must have been a governor or something back home but, apparently, he's a part of the fleet high council now? He's a strong voice, so hopefully he'll do Proxima proud.

Wait, I'm getting something on another channel…

***Activate Wolf Sleeper Protocol DMG.1313***

Humanity will fall, and it is my charge to sow discord and unrest. I will help the people of Wolf locate and eliminate these humans.

Captain Wolf: Turn 1

Politics is a slippery slope, is it not? With a few choice words, I pass along some altruistic legislation to our councilman. Allow prisoners who agree to work for the fleet to earn their citizenship. Sounds good right? Wrong, the Warden hates it. He's Proxima born and wants to see those in chains stay in chains. He's hot headed and will do a lot of disruption for me.

I spend my time talking to the other ships, gaining trust, finding out needs and saying I'll do my best to help. People are in panic already over their food and water stores. There's already growing distrust of the military ship, the Aegis. They have a shuttle that hasn't left their hanger bay. People want to ferry resources but the military isn't helping. I'll have to keep my eye on this and fan the flames of chaos if it continues to go unused.

Captain Wolf: Turn 2

The bill I proposed passed and, boy, is the Warden heated. Also, the Dione wants population to matter in council votes? Time to talk to everyone about how bad of an idea that is and how selfish that makes the FAS.

The shuttle situation is still ongoing. People want to move cargo but nothing is happening. That shuttle still sits in the Aegis' hanger.

I spend a lot of time talking about how selfish the military is being by keeping their shuttle in the hanger. A lot of people are talking about how little they trust the Aegis.

Captain Wolf: Turn 3

Welcome, Wolves! My brothers-and-sisters-in-arms appear and pepper the fleet with laser fire. The fleet repells the attack, of course, it was a simple scouting party.

People begin to make calls for a jump to happen but fuel is an issue everywhere. What is going on with those production ships?

Elsewhere, I make sure to help get the Shepherd more water so there can be more food. There's still kerfuffle about the shuttle situation. I speak with the Admiral to let him know that it's probably not a good idea but that I am just a mere captain.

However, people are mad and want answers. So much so that a GNN reporter shoves a camera in my face to ask about it and I spend the interview bemoaning the Aegis. A trustworthy captain doubts how committed to the fleet the Aegis is.

I've also spent some of my time in my bunk crafting a signal beacon to broadcast our jump coordinates. A quick stop by the Dione later and I'm ready to let my people know where this fleet is going…if they ever decide to jump.

Captain Wolf: Turn 4

Fixed routes for shuttles, bureaucratic red tape helps fix supply lines. I wonder what would happen if I were to mess with one of those shuttles….

The Wolves return and batter the fleet again. My people are run off but I happily congratulate my First Officer after he vanquishes a handful of foes. Our fighters are damaged though, so it might be in my best interest if one of the fleet aces gets taken down a peg.

There are rumblings of overthrowing the Admiral? Who would have thought that these conversations would start already? 

We finally start hearing coordinates. I subtlety broadcast them back to MY fleet using the beacon on the Dione.

Captain Wolf: Turn 5

After some initial conversations, the fleet finally jumps…straight into a Wolf Ambush. You're welcome, my pack. After these humans repelled the attack, the Vulcan unleashed its main gun on the Lucas! Something about the Lucas holding a prisoner-turned-citizen that the Warden wanted back? People are heated.

The Star Alpha has someone in their prison? What is going on in the fleet? I mean…I'm happy it's going on…but what in Wolf is happening here?

Captain Wolf: Turn 6

There was an explosion on the Refinery? Massive amounts of fuel and other resources were jettisoned into space? This is incredible. The humans are tearing themselves apart.

The brig on the Aegis begins to fill up. I think I heard the President has been deposed? Also, the Admiral has been poisoned? Or he's sick? I don't know.

Honestly, these humans are hurting themselves in so many different ways that no one has so much as raised an eyebrow at me. I go along with every conversation about rising up against the Aegis, just to see what happens.

Captain Wolf: Turn 7

In my conversations around the fleet, it's come to my attention that the science vessel 'Endeavor' is doing incredible work. I think it's time to see if I can get them to knock that off. Using supplies from our damaged flight wing, I cobble together a bomb and pay a visit to our scientist friends. Seeing as I am the trustworthy captain of a peaceful ship, they are happy to let me look at their files and examine their FTL drive. Would be awful if anything were to happen to it, right?

The former president happens to visit, allowing me a spare moment to plant the bomb and leave. Also, I think the Admiral just died…

Apparently, the council is a Senate now? I'm not sure what that means, honestly. More bureaucracy, just what these people need.

Also, they dismantled the Star Alpha?

Captain Wolf: Turn 8

They formally announce that the Admiral has passed. My First Officer plays taps to honor his memory. The XO takes over, I think? It's pretty unclear who's in charge over there.

I carefully watch the Endeavor to see if my bomb is discovered, no one seems to have noticed.

I talk with the Endeavor about upgrades again but they need material. The fleet is torn between the need for ore and the need for fuel. I insist the Icebreaker focus on materials because I'd like to continue the fuel crisis, honestly.

The Refinery seems to have gotten back on track after the 'spacing all our supplies' issue a bit ago but they are plotting to take over the Aegis? That's cool.

Captain Wolf: Turn 9

My people send a major assault. The fleet is getting hammered. The time of our reckoning has come!

The fleet is panicking. There's talks of a jump…we don't have coordinates? Where are we going?

Oh, look, my First Officer just messaged me the coordinates…I'll just beam these over to my battle brothers before we jump…and…done. Great.

Um, the Shepard, Lucas and Endeavor didn't jump. That's going to be a problem for the fleet. The noble Comms Officer from the Aegis begins to work on a rescue mission and my First Officer volunteers to personally fly a fighter in defense of the stranded fleet…he'd be a valuable Wolf if he survives it…

Suddenly, the Refinery jumps back to rescue the stranded fleet. Minutes later everyone arrives back at the new coordinates and a giant explosion goes off on the Endeavor. Better late than never.

The fleet panics and everyone blames the First Officer on the Refinery? They just tried to save you…but I'm not saying anything.

Captain Wolf: Turn 10

They begin preparing for another jump. Shuttles are flying everywhere. The Dione First Officer recruits our shuttle to arrest the Refinery First Officer. I make sure to sabotage the shuttle as it leaves the Quellon, just to make life difficult.

A military coup just happened, the council took over the Aegis? The Refinery Captain is Admiral now? This fleet is so weird. Unfortunately, the Endeavor's drive is fixed already. The chaos was worth it though.

Captain Wolf: Turn 11

Um, command? The humans just spaced two individuals in suspicion of being Wolves…I'm pretty sure they weren't on our side…these humans are sick.

They cheered the execution of innocents. It was a dark moment. After the execution, coordinates are sent out. I immediately beam them to the Wolf fleet. The time is now. We must destroy them.

The fleet jumps. They leave behind the majority of humanity on the Dione. That was a choice.

Captain Wolf: Turn 12

The attack begins, comms fall silent as the biggest Wolf attack yet descends on the fleet. My old friend falls in combat, personally manning a fighter is risky, but he goes into the beyond with honors.

As the warning klaxons go silent, the tattered fleet emerges victorious on a planet they deem 'paradise'. Unfortunately for them, Wolf agents still exist. We will still sow chaos and give away their location until the ultimate redemption arrives to end the terror these humans have brought to the universe. My eventual end will be for Wolf and my work will save Wolf from these people. The active beacon on the Dione should help that ship be destroyed in short order as well.

Post Game:

It was revealed that the fallen Admiral was a Wolf but he was killed 'just because' and not because he was a Wolf.

The other agents were the First Officer on the Lucas (spread the ongoing resource shortage crisis, even though things were fine) and the Councilwoman on the Shepard (she was activated late and stoked the flames of chaos in the council chambers).

The Wolves were able to run free on the fleet with all the infighting that occurred.

I'm so thankful I got to play in this one. Dallas Megagames does a simply incredible job and I can't wait for the next one!


Megagame: Den of Wolves 9/10/22


Megagame: Den of Wolves 07/23/22