Shot Heard Round the Universe: Yang-3 Earnings Report

Yang-3's Board of Directors; (L to R) Blake, Dobber, Dylan and Jimmy (Image Courtesy Zachary Read)

The following is a guest post from Blake Howell, who played the CEO of Yang-3 during the on 9/7/24 running of Shot Heard Round the Universe by Dallas Megagames. Thank you for contribution, Blake!

From: Blake, CEO Yang-3
To: Yang Board of Directors
CC: Yang Public Relations Director
Subject: Solar Standard Year Report & Resignation

Yang Leadership Team,

It is with great pleasure that I report another solar year of success and profit for Yang-3. Under my skilled leadership, we have not only met the high goals set by the Yang Board of Directors but exceeded them. This year has been marked by record-breaking profits, stability across our domains, and the forging of important partnerships. Allow me to recap the year's key events.

Year in Review

When I assumed the role of Chief Executive of Yang-3, the Beyond sector was plagued by chaos and tension. The Empire’s grip on the region was loosening, and the sector governor's rule was tenuous. However, thanks to my connections back home, I secured a favorable deal with the Minister of Trade, reducing our tax burden to less than half the expected rate. This benefited both the Minister and Yang-3, while costing the Empire significant tax revenue.

I must commend the Vice President of Exports for his outstanding performance. Although piracy disrupted operations twice, he compensated by building a stockpile that ensured consistent supply in the last two quarters.

Following the trade deal, I initiated strategic discussions with the rebellious "Free Beyond." These initial conversations laid the groundwork for Yang-3's participation in both the emerging rebellion and continued relations with the Empire, safeguarding our customer base during the breakdown of Imperial control.

Negotiations & Tactical Maneuvering

The Empire's faltering control became evident when the Minister of Finance imposed a tax increase. Initially, I refused, but soon saw an opportunity for positive press. Publicly, I agreed to the new tax to show Yang-3’s commitment to the community, while privately securing a refund from the Minister of Security in exchange for information on potential visits from the Free Beyond. As a result, Yang-3 effectively paid 0MC in taxes this year.

The Free Beyond, although disorganized, responded to our demands. They banned gene-modding, which aligned with Yang-3's official stance but was primarily intended to increase demand for our industrial goods. We also pushed for individual planetary governance to maintain our trade relations with both the Free Beyond and the Empire. They conceded to both demands.

Key Challenges & Diplomacy

The Krill, a bird-like race, posed a unique challenge with their incessant demands. After some negotiation, we granted them 100,000 acres on the inhospitable surface of Yang-3. This move not only safeguarded us from potential attacks by the Krill but also aligned them as trading partners.

Throughout the year, I maintained delicate communications between the Free Beyond and the Empire, ensuring Yang-3 avoided becoming a battleground. My VP of Security also played a pivotal role in expanding our fleet, deterring both Imperial and rebel fleets from engaging us directly.

Pirate Pressure & Free Beyond Recruitment

As the year drew to a close, the Free Beyond became increasingly desperate for Yang-3’s support, escalating pirate activity in the sector. They offered a 7MC annuity in perpetuity to join their republic, which I rejected. I countered with a demand for 30MC, 24 units of food, exclusive trade rights in industrial goods, and the resignation of their Naval Commander, who had threatened to "glass" Yang-3. We ultimately negotiated a settlement of 20MC, 11 units of food, exclusive trade rights, and the commander’s resignation after the final battles with the Empire.

Though Yang-3 signed the Free Beyond constitution, we retained the right to determine our foreign policy. War with the Empire remains against our best interests.

Closing Financials

As the solar year ends, Yang-3 is well-positioned with the following assets:

  • 148MC

  • Over 50 planetary units of various goods

  • Exclusive trade rights in industrial goods within the new republic

  • A formidable planetary defense fleet

  • A colony world

  • A substantial Krill presence on Yang-3

  • A continued amicable relationship with the Empire

Retirement Announcement

With these successes, I am pleased to announce my retirement from Yang-3. As per my contract, I look forward to reclaiming my Board seat on Yang in the core worlds, receiving my 100MC bonus, and enjoying a sizable pension.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead Yang-3 to new heights. I am confident my successor will continue this legacy of success.

Former CEO Blake of Yang-3


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