Megagame: Shot Heard ‘Round the Universe 7/22/2023
What follows is the Voice of Thel’s perspective of the running of Shot Heard ‘Round the Universe in Dallas, TX on 7/22/23.
By Thel’s Light, we survive. By Thel’s Light, we thrive. For Jasmine, For Thel, for all. Thel is good.
I have spent my life following the Light of Thel. It was a blessing to be named the Voice of Thel, the very speaker of our deity. I will uphold Thel’s teachings and keep Jasmine on the right path towards Thel’s Light.
Gene-Mods are unholy and are forbidden
The royal family cannot stray from the light
It is a turbulent time on Jasmine and throughout the Beyond sector but, through Thel, we will prevail.
Turn 1:
As the Voice of Thel, it is my duty to spread the Thel’s light and I spend much of the first cycle meandering amongst the planetary dignitaries. I had recently heard a series of strange broadcasts from a group known as Free Beyond, and I want to know how our neighbors feel about these transmissions. Kentai wants to remove their Imperial oppressors, Monmouth is being cautious with Free Beyond, Elizabeth is fine as long as they’re making money, New Angeles believes Imperial oppression is too much, Matisse is neither for nor against but wants what is right for Beyond and Yang 3 is just focused on profits. The Minister of Colonization approaches me and offers to write Jasmine colonial permits. While I know not of these bureaucratic processes, I pass him along to our Emir Jacob with the promise of spreading Thel’s light to the outer reaches.
Some of my brothers in the light have strange thoughts on the current state of things but, as Thel wills it, I had an amazing conversation with the President of New Angeles and he decided to dedicate his life to Thel’s teachings. Light be praised. The Emir announces this revelation to the press. The religious authorities are pleased.
When I arrive back on Jasmine, the Emir and the Princes delight the people with talk of successful trade, possible Colonization and contact with the Ministry of Stabilization. Thel is good.
Turn 2:
It is time to approach the mysterious bird-like Krill and see if they want to follow Thel’s Light. While waiting to speak with the Krill, I overhear a Free Beyonder talking about an abandoned Krill settlement. I don’t know what it means.
I learn the Krill are looking for a home and company. I let them know that there is no better home and no better company than Thel’s light. They look at me confused.
In speaking with the Emir and Princes, I learn that tensions are rising between Monmouth and Kentai. Thel teaches peace and I offer to mediate peace talks between the two planets. Monmouth is the most unwilling to speak but vows to have terms next cycle.
While I am away, the Krill approach the Emir and tell him that they want to build a shrine to the Source, the Creator of All. I must pray to the light to see if they are speaking of Thel or of something else. No matter the outcome, Thel is good.
Turn 3:
New Angeles approaches the Emir and me to speak of the Krill. The New Angeles people have offered to coexist with the Krill but the Krill denied them. This is odd. I leave the politicians to talk. I cannot linger long as the Light compels me to find peace between the people of Monmouth and Kentai.
Unfortunately, the terms given by the Monmouth High Kind are…radical. Half a fleet, millions of credits, cycles worth of resource production. I inform the Kentai Sovereign, who politely laughs and passes on the deal. By Thel’s Light, I can’t say I blame him.
While passing out of Kentai, I briefly stop and visit with a Helen’s World representative. It quickly devolves into a Gene-Modding argument. I cannot stand for the evil and they part since they do not wish to hear the truths of Thel.
Murmurs of the Free Beyond have begun to get louder as taxes start to skyrocket and movement is restricted. Tensions are beginning to rise.
Jasmine’s Trade Price was caught smuggling and the Emir refused to pay the fee. By Thel’s Light, this is wrong. While we may not agree with the rate of taxes and we may not have a voice in those rates, we must follow the law of the land. The religious authorities are displeased.
Additionally, Jasmine’s trade fleets are pounded by pirates. Our people may be hungry and frustrated with the actions of its leadership but Thel is good.
Turn 4:
The fire of rebellion start with but a spark of Light.
The steady rise of taxation and harsh penalties have united a number of planets against the oppression of the Empire. New Angeles, Matisse, Kentai and Jasmine spend the cycle negotiating and get the terms of independence drawn up.
Piracy is rampant in Jasmine space, the people of our beautiful planet struggle, the torch of independence have been lit and through it all; Thel is good.
Turn 5:
The Thelite President of New Angeles is ever a showman and is the one to announce the Declaration of Independence to the people of Beyond. As the Emir and Princes are busy with their royal duties, Jasmine’s seat at the Constitutional Congress falls to the Voice of Thel. And I shall ensure Thel’s light shines on this new nation.
This new nation is built on one primary tent-pole: the ban of Gene-Modding. By Thel’s Light, a mighty victory. We begin debates and arguments but this one rule is a guiding Light for the united countires.
Additionally, the Emir and I spend a great deal of time in prayer to the light and discover that Thel’s Light and the Krill’s Source are one in the same. Thel is good.
Turn 6:
Before leaving Jasmine, I approach the aging Emir and ask if he has decided upon a successor. In light of the war, I implore him to make a decision.
On my way to the Constitutional Congress, I am approached by the Minister of Colonization. I am a bit thrown off by this but Thel provides. After a brief conversation, I offer the Minister a place on Jasmine if he wants to defect from the Empire. He immediately accepts my offer and becomes part of the Rebellion. Light be praised.
Debates and arguments continue, New Angeles and Matisse fleets are getting battered by the Empire in reprisal for the uprising. However, Thel provides and a new independent nation approaches the Congress. Helen’s World has declared independence and wants to join us. We inform them of our hard line on Gene-Modding and through a fair amount of negotiation, we are able to find a middle ground with them while keeping the ban in place. Thel is good.
Turn 7:
The former Minister has been a great boon to Jasmine. He has converted to Thelism and his story has raised the spirits of our people. Thel provides. However, not all is well on Jasmine. The Trade Prince approaches me with an offer from the Empire: ‘hand over the minister and the entire Empire will convert to Thelism.’ As any true follower of Thel would know, the Light would not forsake one for many. Thel would not require this sacrifice. I refuse to give up a true follower but before I can take too much action; the Emir names both Princes as his successor. Apparently, he believes they can work better together. Only Thel knows if that is true.
Another cycle at the Constitutional Congress and after much debate, the document is signed and the Federation of Beyond Planets is officially a nation. The President of New Angeles is elected President of the Federation, Matisse is given command of the military and the war has begun in earnest.
Elsewhere in the sector, another Empire official defects! The Commodore has brought a fleet with him to the Federation. Thel is good.
However, tragedy strikes Jasmine as the Emir is assassinated and the…Empire…names the Trade Prince Bijan as the new Emir of Jasmine and states that Jasmine has left the Federation. The religious authorities are beyond angry.
The Voice of Thel booms across Beyond’s airwaves. The Voice of Thel will not stand for this injustice! This former Prince does not speak for Jasmine! He supports the evil Gene-Modding technology! The Empire’s word means NOTHING to this independent planet!
The religious authorities name true believer Prince of Defense Ian as our new Emir and reaffirm our planet’s membership of the Federation. Upon return to Jasmine, I call for an immediate Crusade against the former Prince, the false Emir. Thel will have his head for this injustice. Thel is angered but Thel is good.
Turn 8
Thelism has split and civil war has erupted on Jasmine. A faction of true believers following the True Emir and the Voice of Thel and a faction those who believe the False Emir to be the real ruler. By Thel’s Light, we will bring our brothers and sisters back to the light.
I receive New Angeles’ commitment to help put down any of the more violent elements of rebellion but, by Thel, we know that the people of Jasmine will listen to reason once there is only one Emir. That will come in time.
Giant space battles occur throughout Beyond. When the metaphorical dust settles:
The Empire is on the back foot and the massed fleet of the Federation is victorious
Kentai turns the surface of Monmouth to glass through orbital bombardment
Apparently, the Krill have gotten incredibly angry with Elizabeth and have turned the surface of that planet to glass as well…Do not anger the birds.
As the call of victory comes over the speakers on Jasmine, a single landing craft with Empire and Jasmine iconography lands on the Royal Grounds. False Emir Bijan, clad in the slain Emir’s robes, strides out with a squad of Empire Marines at his side.
‘By Thel’s Light, former Prince. You should not have come home.’
The Crusade against the False Emir was as fast as it was savage. The Marines and the False Emir were quickly overwhelmed by the Thelite zealots and Jasmine’s Royal Guard. The crowd parts and I am able to retrieve the royal robes of Jasmine and place them around the shoulders of our True Emir Ian. He turns to the assembled crowd and recites:
‘By Thel’s Light, we survive. By Thel’s Light, we thrive. For Jasmine, For the Federation, For Thel, for all. Thel is good!’
This was our very first time playing Shot Heard ‘Round the Universe and all I can say is wow. It was such an incredibly fun game and one of the more rules dense Megagames I have seen. Overall, everyone seemed to play to the role they were given and it made for an incredible day.
As for the Voice of Thel role, it was everything I ever wanted out of the ‘religious authority’ archetype and one I cannot wait to return to. My game was basically judging what our Emir (Jacob) did and deciding whether or not we were following the Light of Thel. Overall my role was VERY rules light but it allowed me to just meander around the room and Role-Play the religious authority. I loved it and I can’t wait to play again. Additionally, I LOVED the Constitutional Congress minigame. I had never wanted to play in the ‘council’ at a Megagame but I really enjoyed myself.
Also, this is but one side of the game. You can read more about what went on here.